Liberal Materialists Member Ross Elbling

Ross Elbling

Ross ( joined the LMs in 1987, and has been the musical anchor of the band ever since. He brings both technical and technological skills to the group, being an competent bassist and recording engineer. He also plays occasional penny whistle, percussion instruments, or saxophone, and has a big hand in the arrangement of most songs. Like John, he occasionally gets inspired enough to write a song for the group.

Ross keeps busy working nights in a semiconductor fab, completing a bachelor's degree in mathematics at UC Irvine (he doesn't believe in Physics), and trying to spend nearly enough time with his family. He is married to Cynthia Corley, who introduced him to the other Liberal Materialists and almost, but not quite, completely doesn't begrudge him the time he spends playing in the band. They have one child, Sarah, who was born on June 2, 1995.

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