Appetites for Human Rights


        Students, people, standing on the load that we pull.
        Shouting, speaking, rowing hard, their boat is leaking.
        Cursing at the workers while we buy our burgers.

        Slashing tongues, sharp as knives,
        Questioning our very lives.
        Think they're smar,  think they're wise,  
        but that don't give them alibis.

        They go home to a bed
        and a roof above their head.
        But they will march, and they will fight.
        Appetites for human rights.

        Meanwhile in the city, situation's not so pretty.
        Families with children sleeping with no roof above them.
        Got no homes, no welfare, but students what do they care.

        They'll work hard, graduate, get a job, assimilate.
        Think they're smart.  Think they're wise,
        but that don't give them alibis.

        They can choose what food to eat,
        cause they dont live out on the street.
        But they will march, and they will fight.
        Appetites for human rights.

        Student activists, in their sheltered life they protest,
        while they could be feeding, helping those who're needing.
        Instead they choose to taunt us,
        but we just want to have lunch.

Appetites for Human Rights is copyright © 1989 John Perry, Chris Morse, Ross Elbling, and Liberal Materialists Music. Any rebroadcast or republication is prohibited without one of our expressed written consent. Write to me with your comments or usage requests

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