Poptopia 2000 at The Troubador

West Hollywood - February 5, 2000

[John's Local Band Pix] [Poptopia Home Page]

This was a power lineup, sporting several of my favorite artists, also including the Andersons, who I missed, since I left early. The afternoon Poptopia show let out late, and most of the people who came from there stopped for dinner between shows (as did I), so the crowd was sparse when dragsterbarbie took the stage, but reasonable sized by the end of their set.

I had seen all of these bands before, except for Ultimate Fakebook, and they put on a great show. Wendie Colter and Kim Fox both did sets with full bands, which I had never seen before (OK, I was prob'ly the only person there that never saw Box the Walls). And of course, Cockeyed Ghost seems to play some of their most inspired sets at festivals, as was the case at the Troub.

I've heard nothing but raves for the bands that played after I left. The Blandersons didn't do anything unusual in their set, or at least if they did, they won't tell me what it is, cuz they think I snubbed them by splitting to see Third Grade Teacher at Kevin O'Connor's birthday party (which could be dubbed Rocktopia, as a foil to the evening's Poptopia show). But sometimes you get tired of a full day of appetizers (even very very good appetizers) and you just want a big juicy steak.

Bon Apetit -

Some Posed Pictures

When you see the Andersons all lined up like this, you can really see the family resemblance. I think at the time I took this shot, they were watching their sister Pamela on stage.

Most of the posed shots here are of rockstars with my niece Leslie, taken with her new camera that she got for her birthday. It was her first time seeing most of these bands (I think she'd seen Wendie Colter once before), and she had a great time (note the "Girls Rock" t-shirt :-).


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